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Download RNA Baser Sequence Assembler and other free biology tools.

An affordable alternative to the really expensive software for DNA assembly and alignment.



RNA Baser Sequence Assembler is easy to use software for RNA sequence assembly, RNA sequence analysis, contig editing, metadata integration and mutation detection.

While other similar products force you to provide your personal data so they can track you down, send you spam or make promotional phone calls, we offer you instant and unconditioned access to the download link.


While other similar products force you to provide your personal data so they can track you down, send you spam or make promotional phone calls, we offer you instant and unconditioned access to the download link.


Fully functional trial

Trial version is functional. RNA Baser Sequence Assembler is the only software on the market that allows you to save your work while you are in the trial period.

Even after the trial period ends, you can still use RNA Baser's internal tools to edit and view chromatogram files, cut primers, to assemble contigs, reverse complement sequences, etc, but you won't be able to save the contig. If the trial period was not enough for you, you can ask a (free) trial extension key.

                                                                                                                                                       RNA Baser

Download link: 

Note: Starting with January 2010, all functions available in RNA Baser have been integrated in DNA Baser also. We recommend you to download DNA Baser instead of RNA Baser.

Free download RNA sequence assembly software. Metadata integration

RNA Baser v2.77


Full working trial

Package size

~ 16.4 MB (Installer)

Download time

<10 seconds (for DSL)

download link :  DNA Baser Download


Other downloads:

rRNA contextual data - Storage template file

DNA Baser Sequence Assembler : DNA Baser Download

DNA Chromatogram Explorer

multi-FASTA to Fasta Converter

Fasta to multi-FASTA Converter

Grid Cell Counter 

ABI to FASTA Converter

DNA Nucleotide Counter

Related links :

Maxanim: Fueling scientific breakthroughs . 

About contextual metadata.

Metadata integration workflow.

Ribocon GmbH - Genome analysis Opens in a new window.


ARB-Silva Opens in a new window.

MIGS/MIMS Opens in a new window.


Price list.

For details please visit this page :


One of the many features that makes RNA Baser Sequence Assembler unique is its size and portability. RNA Baser is very small so you can easily copy it on a USB flash stick or floppy disk and take it with you.

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Unique DNA alignment, contig editign, molecular biology software, etc

RNA Baser Sequence Assembler official web site RNA Baser sequence assembler

Order now RNA Baser sequence assembler-Download full working version

DNA Baser Assembler is unique and revolutionary bioinformatics software for manual and automatic DNA Sequence alignment, DNA sequence analysis, automatic sample processing, contig editing, metadata integration, file format conversion and mutation detection.

chromatogram assembly

abi trace assembly

RNA Sequence alignment and RNA sequence metadata integration software

RNA Baser Sequence Aligner

Easy contextual metadata integration: 

RNA Baser Sequence Aligner represents an extension of DNA Baser Sequence Aligner, specialized in processing rRNA sequences. It is optimized for early integration of contextual metadata. This way, the metadata will stay attached to the primary sequence information throughout the complete workflow of sequence analysis, until final submission. In addition, RNA Baser Sequence Aligner is optimized for data exchange with standard non-commercial software used for rRNA sequence analysis and submission.

This is a joint project of HeracleSoftware, Ribocon GmbH and Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen, Germany

How are we helping you to analyze your rRNA sequences faster?

1. RNA Baser Sequence Aligner is performing for you all the tedious steps in Sequence alignment:

Automatic bad end trimming.

Automatic ambiguous bases correction - More than 98% of ambiguities/mismatches are automatically corrected by RNA Baser without any user input.

Automatic vector removal.

2. State of art graphic user interface designed with one purpose in mind: to minimize the user input:

Access with one single look to all needed data.

None of the necessary functions are far than two mouse clicks.

Synchronized display of the contig map, contig alignment and chromatograms.

Fast navigation between one ambiguous bases.

3. Assemble thousands of DNA/RNA sample files in minutes at batch:

Additionally to the classic single contig assembly mode, RNA Baser offers the possibility to assemble thousands of contigs (clone libraries) in batch mode with a single mouse click.

4. Fast integration of metadata in the sequence information:

Keep sequence and environmental parameters information together; in this way, you will always know were your sequence is coming from

Fast submission to the databases of all relevant data.

With RNA Baser , you can:

Assemble or align to a reference sequence.

Batch assemble or align in groups of sequences by name.

Automatically end clip.

Automatically trim vector sequences.

Import sequences from ABI, SCF, FASTA and SEQ.

View and edit sequence traces.

Mark specific regions (like discrepancies, low-quality areas in chromatograms) with visible colors and quickly navigate to these regions.

Convert between different file formats (ABI,SCF, FASTA, multi-Fasta...).

other features...

RNA Baser price: Contact Us

The package is offered at a very affordable price, making it ideal for universities, research institutions, or private companies performing DNA sequencing. Discounts apply if you purchase more than one license.

ARB Silva:

ARB Silva Opens in a new window is a comprehensive on-line resource for quality checked and aligned ribosomal RNA sequence data, free for academic use. SILVA provides comprehensive, quality checked and regularly updated databases of aligned small (16S/18S, SSU) and large subunit (23S/28S, LSU) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequences for all three domains of life (Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya).

How to assemble a contig : 

How To Assemble a Contig : Video

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