From C. elegans to Cancer Research: The Story of MicroRNA Discovery and its Impact

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as powerful regulators of gene expression, fundamentally changing our understanding of cellular processes. This blog delves into the fascinating history of miRNA discovery, highlighting the key milestones that led to this revolution in molecular biology.

Early Clues: The C. elegans Model:

The story begins in the early 1990s with the microscopic worm Caenorhabditis elegans. Researchers, including Victor Ambros and colleagues, were studying genes that control the worm's developmental timing. They identified a gene named lin-4, which when mutated, caused developmental defects. Surprisingly, further investigation revealed that lin-4 didn't produce a protein as initially expected. Instead, it generated small non-coding RNA molecules.

Synthesis, structure and function of microRNAs. In nucleus, RNA polymerase II (Pol II) transcribes miRNA genes and forms primary miRNA (pri-miRNA). The pri-miRNA yields hairpin-shaped precursor miRNA (pre-miRNA) that will be exported into the cytoplasm. The pre-miRNA further becomes miRNA-miRNA duplex and act as mature miRNA incorporating into the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). At the posttranscriptional level, miRNAs negatively regulate gene expression by promoting mRNAs degradation or inhibiting their translation.

lin-4 and the Birth of a New Regulatory Layer:

One of these small RNAs, a roughly 22-nucleotide molecule, sparked particular interest. This RNA, later named lin-4 miRNA, displayed partial complementarity to specific sequences within another gene, lin-14. This finding hinted at a novel regulatory mechanism: lin-4 miRNA might bind to lin-14 messenger RNA (mRNA), potentially affecting its translation into protein.

The Rise of let-7: Unveiling Conservation:

The discovery of lin-4 miRNA was initially thought to be a unique case in C. elegans. However, the identification of let-7 miRNA in 2000 shattered this notion. Let-7, with a similar structure and function to lin-4 miRNA, was remarkably conserved across various species, including humans. This discovery underscored the widespread importance of miRNAs in regulating gene expression across the animal kingdom.

Time line of miRNA discoveries.

From Discovery to Diverse Roles:

Following these initial breakthroughs, research into miRNAs exploded. Scientists identified numerous miRNAs in various organisms, revealing their involvement in diverse biological processes beyond development. From cell proliferation and differentiation to metabolism and stress responses, miRNAs emerged as key players in cellular control.

The Legacy of miRNA Discovery:

The discovery of miRNAs stands as a testament to the power of basic scientific research. From a seemingly unrelated finding in a simple worm, a whole new layer of gene regulation was unveiled. This knowledge continues to fuel advancements in various fields, with miRNA research holding immense promise for diagnostics and therapeutics in human diseases.

You can find out more about miRNA discovery in the video below

From C. elegans to Cancer Research: The Story of MicroRNA Discovery and its Impact
Gen store May 15, 2024
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